Errata and Clarifications

Historical Magazine #1 

The VASL RaM Historic Map is available at

STL2 Nothing Ventured

The play area is as indicated by the text, not the map image depiction.

The Commonwealth 4-3-6 counter image should have a G on it to indicate Green units, not a C.

STL8 If Wishes Were Horses

The overlay is placed as indicated, but only the portion of the overlay in the playable map area is in play.

STL9 You Can’t Have Your Cake

British OB has three groups of units. The Groups Identification and setup should read as follows:
Top Group: Elements of the 16th Brigade, 5/17th Dogras, Group 1 set up per SSR5.
Middle Group: Elements of the 16th Brigade, 5/17th Dogras, Group 2 set up per SSR5.
Bottom Group: Elements of the 16th Brigade, 8th Burma Rifles, set up anywhere west of the river.

SSR5 should read as follows:
Units of the 5/17th Dogras are split into two groups. One group sets up on any hex of the board 61 hill 517 hill mass and the other group sets up on any hex of the board 61 hills 501/505 hill mass. The Commonwealth player decides which group sets up on which hill mass.

STL11 Here’s Your Hat

The Victory Conditions should say Good Order Japanese MMC, not Unit.

There should not be a Japanese reinforcement symbol on Turn 3 of the turn track.

The Japanese Ha-Go tanks should show 1,1 armor factors not 0,0.


STL RaM3 Clear the Road to Prome

The Japanese Ha-Go tanks should show 1,1 armor factors not 0,0.


Japanese Balance should read decrease not increase.

Japanese OB:  The reinforcements should read Select 5 groups instead of 4 groups.

British OB set up should say Enter on/after Turn 1 as PRC.


British OB:  The reinforcements should read Table 1a, not Table 1b.

British OB:  Elements of 1st Duke of Wellington Rifles and the Selected 4 groups: Change “Select 4” to “Select 5”.  Add to their set up instructions and/or enter on/after Turn 3 anywhere along the north board edge.  It should read “…setup on/east of hexrow R in hexes numbered ≤ 7, and/or enter on/after Turn 3 anywhere along the north board edge.

Japanese OB:  Elements of of the 2nd Infantry Battalion, 214th Infantry Regiment that Set up concealed on/west of hexrow P in hexes numbered ≤ 11:  Change “Select 5” to “Select 4”.

RaM mini-CG Map and Rules

All roads, bridges and fords exist as they are shown on the map.

RaM SSR RaM.1 Add “Rice Paddies are In-Season (G8.13).”

RaM SSR RaM.4 should say Hex H21 not H9.

Japanese Table 1b, Group K:  The Total mini-CG Max should be 3 not 2.

Japanese Table 1b:  There are two Group ID F.  The second F should be G.

Commonwealth Table 1a, Group C:  Add a 2-2-8 infantry crew and a 15-cwt Lorry to this group.  Group O:  Add a 2-2-8 infantry crew.

Commonwealth Table 1a-2:  The 4-4-8s should be 4-5-8s.

Q:  Is the Commonwealth pre-game barrage smoke supposed to be at +2 or at +3 at the end of the Commonwealth Prep Fire phase?

A:  The barrage OBA smoke is placed as +3 then is reduced to +2 at the start of the Prep Fire phase.

Q:  Is the Commonwealth pre-game barrage automatically inaccurate or should you roll for accuracy?

A:  The barrage could be accurate on a final dr 1-4, but if not it will drift.